Monday, May 21, 2012

Giveaway Day!

 UPDATE: Hooray for the winner, Laurel09!  Thanks everyone for stopping by and for all of your great alphabet ideas!

Until just now I wasn't sure I was going to participate in Sew, Mama, Sew's May Giveaway Day this year.  I am ridiculously busy trying to finish up a bunch of orders before we take a little trip to Nickerson State Park on the Cape next week, not to mention running a household and trying to keep the kids happy and clothed and fed.  But heck, I couldn't resist!!

So if I'm going to do it might as well make it super awesome, right?  This time around I'm going to give away a set of 3, yes THREE, of my 100% organic cotton printed cloth books to one lucky winner!  And of course if you win you get to choose which ones you'd like (check them all out here).

For your chance to win all you need to do is leave a comment here telling me one (or more, if you'd like!) thing that starts with the letter of your first name that you'd love to see in an alphabet book.  I'm working on a line of printed alphabet books and need ideas!  I'll start: V for Victrola :)

This giveaway is open to folks worldwide.  I'll close comments at 5 p.m. PST on May 25 and announce the winner the following morning.  I'll ship the books by June 1.  Please be sure that I have a way to get in touch with you if you win!

Thanks for looking, and GOOD LUCK!

Comments closed, I'll post the winner in the morning!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Moving on

No need to dwell on the several months this blog has been neglected, right?  It's just a testament to how busy I've been!

I have tons and tons and TONS of work to share, but also tons and tons of photo editing before that happens.  For now I'll share a little home improvement we finished recently: a new room for my newly-turned-nine-year-old girl!

 I had such a great time creating this room for my girl and fulfilling my preteen dream of being an interior decorator! Almost everything in the room is handmade or secondhand.  I only bought the duvet cover and the lamp on the dresser retail, plus a few prints from Etsy--the bike and two others yet to come.  The chandelier was bought at our local Habitat Re-Store and painted green, the bed was free from a neighbor, the dresser was found on Craigslist, the little red doll dresser and the record player were thrifted, and I bought the rug at a church rummage sale for $1.50 (!).  The desk was mine at Tigerlily's age and my Father's before me.  I made all of the pillows, the curtain and the name banner on the door. 
Success ;) 

 We also had a nature themed birthday party for Tigerlily at a favorite local park, complete with a short hike and lots of stream exploring.  I was far too caught up in the festivities to really get any good shots but I can show you the invitations!

Add party planning to my list of missed callings!

The Annual Birthday Mix
Can't believe my girl is NINE!