:: Our home is going through a metamorphosis after a car-full of stuff from a recent trip to Ikea and some really nice hand me downs have been added. An all-consuming week long search for the perfect affordable vintage sofa ended when I found this beauty on Craigslist for just $150. Score!
To be honest, the trip to Ikea left me feeling a bit dirty--we've been making every effort to buy used or vintage anytime we need something, or to rethink whether we need it at all. Our primary purchases at Ikea were rugs, and I do think that was somewhat necessary. But really it is such a good feeling to look around this home we have made and see almost exclusively second-hand items. Now to find the perfect vintage kitchen table....
:: Tigerlily has discovered the iPod, and she is hooked. Sometimes she shares with her brother. Her favorite songs these days? TKO by Le Tigre and anything by Mates of State.
:: We unearthed Lil's dry erase board while going through art supplies yesterday and she wrote this story before bed last night:
She hasn't quite figured out the left-to-right thing yet, here's the story: "It happened a long time ago, a dog lived in a house. The pig is happy. The dog is happy. The frog is happy. From Tigerlily"
:: Some new clothes:
new sweater, knit by Grammy
Lil and her friends designed and made this outfit and Lil modeled it for Project Runway at the Free School
I ♥ Haiti shirt from the Hearts for Haiti shop
Lil and her friends designed and made this outfit and Lil modeled it for Project Runway at the Free School
I ♥ Haiti shirt from the Hearts for Haiti shop
...also lots and lots of work, and trying to work, and being distracted from work. And trying to survive this dreary brown winter! I'd like to think that spring is right around the corner but I know better. And I'd love to have at least one good storm this winter!