Tuesday, January 13, 2009

moi? mais, oui!

Every now and again I google myself. Admit it, so do you (and if not, you should!). Well, today I found Ex Libris featured on a pretty cool French pregnancy/parenting blog, Noeuf, which of course is in French! Amazingly, my 4 years of high school French allowed me to understand the post, including the part that says something like "these cloth books are just a pleasure for the eyes because, sadly, they aren't sold in France." I do, in fact, ship to France (my only international sale aside from Canada was in France) so I thought I should post a comment saying so, which, because I'm a dork, I did in French! All over France pregnant women and new mothers are chuckling over my ridiculous grammar and incorrect conjugation.

I was also featured on the blog Sunny Tuesday. Thanks, Jessica!

In other news, I updated my shop yesterday. I desperately needed to offer several different custom book options at different price points instead of lumping it all together and charging far too little for much of my work (loving what I do only goes so far...). So now there are several options that I hope will appeal to and work for everyone, and of course I'm always game to try something completely different! I will be working on some new ready made book options and a few more vintage fabric blankets and alphabet quilts, too. All of the ideas in my head are starting to hurt, I really need to get to work!

Because I have no relevant picture to post (I wish I knew how to do those screen-shot images--so much to learn...) I'll leave you with this:

Just an awesome drawing of our neighborhood that Tigerlily did about a year ago.

1 comment:

  1. i think i will comment every day! hee hee. that french blog is pretty sweet. you are in good company there.
